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What about teenagers?

Teen dating violence is a growing problem in the US; nearly one third of teen relationships are characterized as unhealthy of violent.


It is not always easy to tell if a relationship is unhealthy or abusive, especially if you are the person in the relationship. However, there are some warning signs that teens can watch out for in their relationships.

In an unhealthy relationship a partner might:

Check your cell phone or social media accounts without your permission or demand your passwords

Get upset when you want to spend time with friends or make new friends

Want you to spend less time, or no time, with your family

Accuse you of flirting or cheating

Control aspects of your life that you want to be in control of (how you dress, what you eat, how you spend your money)

Call you names or say things to you to make you feel bad about yourself

Pressure you to have sex when you do not want to

Pressure you to have sex in ways that you do not want to

Physically hurt you or threaten to hurt you

Explode in fits of anger and then apologize for the behavior, but then repeat the behavior again and again

There are other signs that a relationship might be unhealthy. If you feel that there is something unhealthy or wrong with the relationship, trust yourself. It is normal for people in unhealthy relationships to feel very unsure about what they want to do. Talking with an advocate is a good first step in figuring out how you feel and what your options might be. CADA's services are free and confidential to all victims and survivors.

Check out the following resources for a lot more information about intimate partner violence and how you can either give or get help with relationships.


Contact Us:

CADA's regular business hours are Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you wish to make a donation, volunteer, or have other questions about CADA, please reach out.

To speak with an advocate, please call our 24-hour helpline. 


CALL: 507-625-8688



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Talk with an advocate:


If you or someone you know is experiencing relationship abuse or sexual violence, an advocate can help.


24-hour helpline - 1-800-477-0466

Text an advocate - 507-223-4200

Email an advocate -

Chat with an advocate - Click HERE

CADA Offices:

CADA offices are typically staffed during regular business hours Monday through Friday. It is recommended to call ahead to schedule an appointment, if possible. ​


Blue Earth County - 507-625-8688

Brown County - 507-233-6663

Faribault County - 507-526-5275

Le Sueur County - 507-934-5583

Martin County - 507-399-2001

Nicollet County - 507-934-5583

Sibley County - 507-233-6666

Waseca County - 507-835-7828

Watonwan County - 507-375-3040

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